Sweden Local 2030 hub is one of eight global UN Local2030 Hubs and will accelerate the implementation of the SDGs at the local level. The focus of the Sweden Local2030 Hub is to build capacity for inclusive and sustainable development (SDG 5, 10, and 17) among cities, municipalities and regions (SDG 11) as a means to achieve the other SDGs locally, contributing to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda globally.
A UN Hub to support the local implementation of SDGs
Key actors in the local implementation of the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) have, at the invitation of the UN Secretary General’s office, established a Sweden Local2030 Hub. It is a platform for capacity building, knowledge sharing, collaboration, and inspiration with the aim of accelerating the local implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
Sweden Local2030 Hub is the latest of eight global UN hubs and has been established with the goal of promoting capacity building in inclusive and sustainable development with a focus on local implementation of the SDGs. The hub is a way to gather civil society organizations, municipalities, the private sector, research institutes, and networks that are key players in the local implementation of the goals.
The purpose of the hub is twofold, geographically it will be a platform to gather Swedish, Nordic and Baltic experiences of local implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Thematically, the hub will improve inter-regional and North-South collaboration and highlight local challenges and local solutions in adopting the SDGs to local governance and urban settings.
Not just another network
A number of initiatives have been established to support the development of local and regional networks supporting thematic aspects of sustainable development. For example, “climate neutral cities”, “Circular cities”, healthy cities” or “socially sustainable cities”. However, even if valuable knowledge is gathered in each of these networks. There are little, or no, interaction between them. There is a lack of coordination and a need for better integration between the networks to support a more holistic local development. For that, all communities, both counties, regions, metropolitan areas, small towns, urban areas, and rural areas, must contribute and cooperate, between themselves and between stakeholders from other sectors.
Sweden Local2030 Hub is a platform by and for its members – who are stakeholders from civil society organizations, municipalities, private sector, research institutes and networks working with different thematics and aims to promote sustainable local development.
Want to become a member – fill out this form.
Sweden Local2030 Hub aims to operate as a network for the networks and bridge existing gaps between organizations, projects, and stakeholders and improve the coordination between existing initiatives and facilitate cooperation for more holistic approaches to SDG localization.
A common platform is needed
If the Swedish government, our regions and municipalities are to achieve both global, national, and local goals and also be at the forefront globally, a common platform is needed that translates a common vision of sustainable development into practice. This platform must gather knowledge, practical experience, good examples, methods, and tools in one place and share them among all multi-stakeholders both throughout the country and use it to build capacity globally.
The Swedish Local 2030Hub will, therefore:
- Be a node for SDG11, the New Urban Agenda and Localizing SDGs in Sweden
- Support local and regional implementation of the SDGs
- Be a forum for local, regional and national implementation focusing on bridging sectors and fostering multi-stakeholder cooperation
- Share experiences both throughout Sweden and globally
- Advocate for the importance of the local dimension in sustainable development
What does it mean to be a member?
Sweden Local2030 Hub is a voluntary engagement based on the assumption that each member contributes to the development of the hub with time, expertise and a willingness to share and engage with other members.
As members you are given opportunities to engage with each other, to share and receive relevant information, to discuss thematic questions, and engage in joint projects or engagements. Sweden Local2030 Hub also acts as a bridge between local, national, and global actors and networks, providing members with networking and dialogue opportunities across levels and between sectors. Please fill out this form if you are interested in joining the Sweden Local2030 Hub and contribute to its development.
”Ny plattform ska göra det enklare att genomföra Agenda 2030 lokalt”
Ny FN-Hub etableras i Sverige för lokalt genomförande av Agenda 2030
Additional resources:
Localising Sustainable Development Goals in the Baltic Sea Region: A Handbook
Sweden Local2030 Hub members:
Global Utmaning (administrator)
Architects Without Boarders Sweden
Hyresgästföreningen (Swedish Union of Tenants)
International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD)
Kounkuey Design Initiative
Plan International Sweden
Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE)
SKL International
Stockholm Resilience Center
Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (through Glokala Sverige)
Swedish Red Cross
United Nations Association of Sweden (through Glokala Sverige)
Viable Cities
White Architects
World Wildlife Foundation Sweden (WWF)
Joel Ahlgren, project manager Sweden Local2030 Hub